Only 2!

She is growing up rather quickly.  Her smile shines right through me.  Her beauty comes from within and radiates out into the world.  She is smart….She is a hard worker….She is a big sister…..At times, she pushes me.  I then realize that is what is necessary for our bond to grow.  Her name is Monica and she is my first born!

He is developing into a young man.  He is my energy.  His personality inside and out makes him shine.  He is loving….He tries really hard….He is a baby brother….Mommy’s pride and joy he will always be.  I realize without his love, there would be no happiness.  His name is Lazaro and he is my baby boy!

I always knew I only wanted two.  Luckily for me, I was blessed with one of each.




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3 responses to “Only 2!

  1. WOW! How did that happen? So grown up! Your love for them shines through this piece, but so differently for each. Concise, but speaks volumes.

  2. amarie11028

    “Her smile shines right through me…” I love this line. It is so easy to see how much you love your kids. They are very lucky 🙂

  3. So sweet Amelia! I still remember that lovely lady up there as a little second grader. Time sure does fly!

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