My Two Precious Babies!


These two precious babies belong to me.  Every minute of my day revolves around them.  I can hear their voices in my head.  Morning, Noon, and Night I think of how God has given me the most precious gift of all.

The love they share and the bond they have created is so beautiful to witness.  A sister with her little brother growing up right beside her.  They share smiles, hugs, kisses, arguments, and so much more.   My hope is that I have created a love that will never be torn apart.

These two precious babies belong to me.  So different, but so similar.  Their qualities are unique to who they are.  Her smile and his love make me the happiest mother in the world.  I am so proud to be their Mama!







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4 responses to “My Two Precious Babies!

  1. Your babies are precious. You and Arturo are great parents. Thanks for sharing the picture.

  2. You are a wonderful Mom!!!! Enjoy!!!

  3. I love the part where you say you hear their voices in your head all day long. 🙂 you are an amazing mom!

  4. The fact that they love each other so much is what is so beautiful

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