
These three pieces sit on my desk. I see them every time I walk into my office or sit at my desk. Just about every student that walks in my office always wants to touch them. Some kids have even asked if the diamond is real! Ha, ha kind of funny! If I had a real diamond that size I ‘d probably be rich. These three pieces have no money value, but actually mean a lot to me. They have value in my heart.

All three pieces were given to me as Christmas gifts from my little guy. Even though he is almost 13, he will always be my baby! He bought me a piece every year at Christmas. He picked them out himself and tried to surprise me. He bought them at school at their Secret Santa Shop. He thought this was the coolest thing and enjoyed shopping there every year. A paper wait every year, I couldn’t have asked for more. The paper weights didn’t cost very much, but to me they were worth so much!


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2 responses to “Trinkets

  1. Mirielle Strasser

    So sweet! These will be amazing when he is much, much older. I’m sure he will appreciate them then as well!

  2. tbreitweiser

    Those little items can tell so much about us! I have found mine to be an “in” to relationships with some of my students when they start a conversation about one of mine!

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